Kwasi Kabiro September 9, 2024 0 Comments

Blockchain for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure in Developing Countries

Following our previous discussion on how blockchain facilitates supply chain transparency for Fair Trade, today, we are expanding our horizons to delve into another significant application of blockchain technology. Our focus this time is on how blockchain can aid in building disaster-resilient infrastructure, particularly in developing countries, where such robust infrastructures are often a matter of life and death.

The Dire Need for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Developing countries are more vulnerable to natural disasters due to geographically exposed locations, inadequate infrastructure and limited resources. Therefore, investing in resilient infrastructure that can withstand and quickly bounce back from disasters is absolutely crucial. This is where blockchain technology can contribute positively.

Blockchain: A Foundation for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Blockchain, with its distributed, transparent, and immutable nature, can revolutionize the process of building and maintaining infrastructure in disaster-prone areas. Its potential in enhancing communication, accelerating aid distribution, securing funds and bolstering construction transparency is significant.

Constructing the Blockchain Implemented Infrastructure: A Comprehensive Process

Let’s explore how blockchain can be integrated at different stages of establishing disaster resilient infrastructure.

Securing Funding and Encouraging Investments

Blockchain’s transparent and tamper-proof records can guarantee that funds allocated for infrastructure development are used as intended, thereby encouraging further investments from both private and public sectors.

Promoting Transparent Construction

Blockchain’s transparency ensures that quality building materials are used, proper construction methods are followed, and ethical labor practices are enforced. This not only boosts confidence in the building process but also ensures that the resultant infrastructure is robust and resilient.

Efficient Management and Maintenance

Post-construction, blockchain can facilitate efficient infrastructure management, efficient resource allocation for maintenance, and swift damage assessment and repair following disasters.

Trailblazers: Blockchain initiatives for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Despite being a nascent technology, blockchain has been embraced by some pioneering initiatives for disaster resilience.

BanQu’s Aid Transparency Initiative

Utilizing blockchain, BanQu’s initiative enhances aid transparency by precisely tracking the distribution and usage of disaster relief supplies, ensuring they reach the intended recipients.

BRAC’s Microfinance Program

BRAC, in collaboration with blockchain platform bKash, offers microfinance services to build disaster-resilient homes. Blockchain helps BRAC ensure transparency in fund allocation and usage.

Challenges and Moving Forward

Though promising, adopting blockchain for disaster resilient infrastructure involves challenges including infrastructure challenges, limited blockchain literacy and data concerns. These can be navigated through thorough planning, capacity building, and fostering collaboration among governments, NGOs, and technology providers.


While the potential of blockchain to revolutionize disaster resilient infrastructure planning and execution is vast, its successful realization depends on a collaborative global effort. At SGA Crypto, we look forward to witnessing the transformative wave blockchain is set to bring in infrastructure development in disaster-prone areas in developing countries.

Disclaimer: SGA Crypto does not offer any cryptocurrencies or financial advice. The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only.

Kwasi Kabiro, CEO.


  1. Blockchain for Resilient Infrastructure: Emerging Opportunities
  2. BanQu: Blockchain for Disaster Response
  3. BRAC and bKash: A Blockchain-powered Collaboration for Disaster Resilient Homes
  4. Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing Blockchain for Disaster Resilience
  5. The Role of Blockchain in Disaster Management and Recovery

Contact Kwasi Kabiro @sgascanner for more insights.

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