Kwasi Kabiro September 2, 2024 0 Comments

Crypto for Accessible Healthcare in Low-Income Nations

In the evolving landscape of finance and technology, we are witnessing a rapidly growing potential for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to bridge gaps in socioeconomic disparities. In the last piece, we dived into decentralized finance (DeFi) and its potential to empower underbanked populations globally. This time, we’re turning our focus to another pressing issue — accessible healthcare in low-income nations.

The Healthcare Conundrum in Low-Income Nations

Despite strides in global health improvements, low-income nations continue to grapple with major healthcare challenges. These range from the high mortality rates due to inadequate health services, to the lack of resources, infrastructure, and effective healthcare strategies.

Understanding the Problem

Healthcare in low-income nations often falls prey to unregulated markets, lack of capital, and corruption. These hurdles often impede the adequate provision of medical services and supplies. Additionally, populations in these regions often lack essential health cover, exposing them to financial hardships in times of health emergencies.

Enter Cryptocurrency: A Potential Solution

As per World Health Organization, at least half of the world’s population do not have full coverage of essential health services. Cryptocurrencies, backed by the transparency and security of blockchain technology, offer intriguing possibilities for addressing these challenges.

Crypto’s Role in Enhancing Healthcare Access

Cryptocurrencies have the potential to offer secure, efficient, and accessible means for funding healthcare provisions in low-income nations, where traditional banking and financial systems may not be robust enough to address the healthcare challenge.

Cryptocurrency Implementation in Healthcare: Real-world Examples

A few pioneering initiatives have started leveraging cryptocurrency for enhancing healthcare access. These projects are ushering in a new era of financial inclusiveness and security in the healthcare sector.

BitGive Foundation

BitGive, a Bitcoin-based non-profit, has been using blockchain for charitable donations that directly fund healthcare services in low-income nations. Its transparency initiative, GiveTrack, leverages blockchain to verify where funds go and what impact they have.


Pharmeum is an example of a blockchain-based project that allows patients to have affordable and immediate access to healthcare through its token. By lowering transaction costs and providing secure data exchange, it brings affordability and accessibility to healthcare.

Crypto for Healthcare: Challenges and Future Outlook

While the use of cryptocurrency holds much promise for healthcare in low-income nations, there are also key challenges which need to be addressed for this potential to be fully realized.

Regulation and Legal Considerations

Much like the case with DeFi, the legal landscape for using crypto in healthcare is still developing. Formulating comprehensive legal and regulatory frameworks will be integral to ensuring that this technological innovation can be responsibly and safely implemented.

Technological Readiness and Education

The lack of technological infrastructure and literacy is a key challenge, much like it was with DeFi for underbanked populations. A broad-based strategy focused on enhancing access to digital infrastructure and education will be essential.

Volatile Nature of Cryptocurrencies

The volatility of crypto prices poses a significant risk. Stablecoins – crypto assets pegged to less volatile assets – offer an interesting solution to manage this risk.


The potential of cryptocurrencies as a medium for enabling accessible healthcare in low-income nations is an exhilarating prospect. As we have seen in the case of DeFi for underbanked populations, the impact of this technology could be transformative. However, for true potential to be realized, various challenges including regulatory obstacles, market risks, and technological literacy need to be addressed effectively.

Disclaimer: SGA Crypto does not offer any cryptocurrencies or financial advice. This post aims to provide general information only.

Kwasi Kabiro, CEO.


  1. The World Health Organization: Universal Health Coverage
  2. BitGive Foundation
  3. Pharmeum: Blockchain based healthcare
  4. Cryptocurrency Volatility: An Ongoing Concern
  5. Regulatory Considerations for Crypto in Healthcare
  6. The Promise of Stablecoins
  7. Exploring Technological Readiness for Digital Healthcare
  8. Universal Healthcare: Global Goals and Challenges

Contact CEO Kwasi Kabiro @sgascanner for more insights.

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