Kwasi Kabiro September 10, 2024 0 Comments

Crypto Solutions for Affordable Housing in Low-Income Areas


Hot on the tails of our previous blog post on how blockchain facilitates supply chain transparency for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure in Developing Countries, we’ve decided to dive deeper into the transformative capabilities of blockchain technology. This time around, our vantage point is affordable housing, particularly in underserved regions.

The Emergent Challenges in Affordable Housing

Urbanisation, increasing populations, financial constraints – all these factors, and more, contribute to the growing affordable housing crisis, particularly in low-income areas. Traditional lending mechanisms often fail to address the issue due to a lack of credit history or formal employment records for these marginalized communities. So, can blockchain technology, with its decentralization, immutability and resilience, step in and bridge the gap?

Cryptocurrency & Affordable Housing: A New Propensity

Cryptocurrency, especially those launched for specific causes like affordable housing, can be a transformative solution. They have the potential to bypass traditional financial systems, offering a new pathway to homeownership for those that conventional avenues have left behind.

Crypto Solutions for Affordable Housing

Now, let’s deep dive into how cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology can revolutionize affordable housing.

Mortgage Mechanism

Incorporating blockchain technology can streamline and redefine the entire mortgage process, enabling secure and efficient transactions. It can also create an alternative credit evaluation method, bridging the gap for those deemed ‘unbankable’ by traditional metrics.

Creating Transparency in Transactions

The secure, transparent nature of blockchain records guarantees that every transaction involving land or property can be tracked and verified in an immutable manner. This can significantly reduce fraudulent transactions and issues related to property deeds and land registry.

Affordable Rentals

Utilising blockchain systems to manage affordable rental properties can reduce management cost and increase efficiency. Thus, properties can be rented at lower and more affordable rates.

Pioneers: Crypto Initiatives In Affordable Housing

Blockchain for affordable housing is no longer a theoretical concept. Several pioneers are already leveraging the capabilities of blockchain to bring this concept to life.

Meridio (Decentraland)

The Brooklyn-based company Meridio utilises Ethereum’s blockchain to provide fractional property ownership. This significantly lowers barriers to entry in the real estate market.

The Deed’s Project

The Deed’s Project, a Swiss non-profit, is pioneering blockchain in property transactions, focusing on affordable housing. It facilitates property exchanges directly between owners and buyers, cutting out expensive middlemen, and offering affordable solutions.

Challenges and Path Forward

Major obstacles on the roadmap to blockchain-distributed housing include lack of understanding about cryptocurrencies and blockchain, price volatility of cryptocurrencies, and regulatory uncertainties. However, with increasing awareness and crypto literacy, along with dynamic regulatory frameworks, we are stepping closer to a crypto-enabled affordable housing future.


While still in its infancy, the involvement of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in affordable housing solutions shows great promise. It introduces a new paradigm in housing finance – one that locates itself outside traditional banking systems and creates more equitable opportunities for low-income populations.

At SGA Crypto, we are excited to see how this crypto-led revolution unfolds, bringing about a foundational shift in making housing affordable for all.

Disclaimer: SGA Crypto does not offer any cryptocurrencies or financial advice. The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only.

Kwasi Kabiro, CEO.


  1. Cryptocurrency and Affordable Housing: A Study
  2. Meridio: Blockchain for Fractional Property Ownership
  3. The Deed’s Project: A Pioneering Blockchain Project for Affordable Housing
  4. Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing Blockchain for Affordable Housing
  5. The Role of Blockchain in Transforming the Housing Market

Contact Kwasi Kabiro @sgascanner for more insights.

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