Kwasi Kabiro September 1, 2024 0 Comments

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) for Underbanked Populations

In a previous post, we explored the inherent capabilities of blockchain technology in bolstering sustainable energy access for off-grid areas, particularly in developing nations. For this post, we will pivot towards another crucial role which blockchain can assume: fueling decentralized finance or DeFi to empower underbanked populations globally.

Understanding the Underbanked Issue

Underbanked populations refer to individuals who, while having a bank account, still rely heavily on alternative financial services outside the conventional banking system due to a variety of access issues. This segment of the population often experiences limitation in access to essential financial services such as credit, savings accounts, and insurance coverage. According to the World Bank’s Global Findex, about 1.7 billion adults worldwide are unbanked — without an account at a financial institution or a mobile money provider.

The Obstacles Facing the Underbanked

Key barriers preventing the underbanked populations from accessing traditional financial services are numerous and multifaceted. They range from geographical constraints, steep transaction fees, to stringent eligibility criteria, and the lack of essential identity documentation.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) as a Solution for the Underbanked

Enter Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Built on blockchain technology, DeFi networks work on an open-source basis, enabling anyone, regardless of their geographical location or economic status, to partake in the global financial ecosystem. DeFi applications offer a wide spectrum of financial services, from lending and borrowing platforms to decentralized exchanges and insurance providers.

Advantages of DeFi for the Underbanked

DeFi enables the democratization of access to financial services due to blockchain’s innate characteristics: interoperability, transparency, and security. Anyone with an internet connection and a digital wallet can access DeFi services, eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries or approval procedures.

Practical Implementation of DeFi for Underbanked Populations

Several inspiring initiatives globally exhibit the practical implications of incorporating DeFi to support underbanked populations.

Microlending on Ethereum: EthicHub

EthicHub, built on Ethereum, is a peer-to-peer lending platform that connects lenders in low-interest-rate countries with borrowers in communities with limited access to banking services in high-interest-rate countries. This setup benefits both parties and effectively breaks down barriers traditionally associated with different regional markets.

Dai Stablecoin

MakerDAO’s Dai is another excellent example of how DeFi can benefit the underbanked. The Dai stablecoin offers a reliable, decentralized alternative to government-issued currencies and can be securely held, transferred, or traded without the need for a traditional bank.

Challenges and Projections

While DeFi promises a myriad of benefits for underbanked populations, several hurdles need addressing to promote widespread adoption.

Regulatory Obstacles

The fledgling legal landscape surrounding DeFi could pose as a possible deterrent to its unhampered progression. Adequate regulatory guidelines must be implemented while simultaneously ensuring that the primary goal of financial inclusion is not compromised.

Potential for Market Risk

The risk of market volatility remains inherent with cryptocurrencies involved in DeFi transactions. Mitigating this issue calls for enhanced risk management strategies and the integration of pegged cryptocurrencies or stablecoins.

Technological Literacy and Infrastructure

The lack of digital literacy and infrastructure in several regions poses a significant challenge. Addressing this issue requires an inclusive and concentrated approach towards digital education and infrastructure development.


The promise of securing financial inclusion via DeFi for underbanked populations is immense and far-reaching. The potential impact of DeFi as a solution to the problem of global underbanking is undeniably compelling – from facilitating peer-to-peer lending, enabling seamless transactions to fostering economic resilience. Nevertheless, a nuanced and considered approach is vital in realising this goal.

Kwasi Kabiro, CEO.

Disclaimer: SGA Crypto does not offer any cryptocurrencies or financial advice. This post aims to provide general information only.


  1. The World Bank: The Global Findex
  2. A Comprehensive Review of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
  3. Ethereum-Based EthicHub: Empowering the Underbanked
  4. MakerDAO’s Dai: A Decentralized Stablecoin for the Masses
  5. Regulatory Challenges for DeFi
  6. Market Risks associated with DeFi
  7. Technological Literacy and Infrastructure Challenges for DeFi
  8. Decentralized Finance: The Future of Finance

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