Kwasi Kabiro September 6, 2024 0 Comments

How Blockchain Can Empower Economies in Marginalized Nations

Building on our latest delve into Decentralized Finance (DeFi) as a potential game-changer for underbanked populaces, today, we will explore the broader perspective of how blockchain can empower economies in marginalized nations. We’ll investigate how this breakthrough technology can contribute to economic development and prosperity, particularly in marginalized communities and developing countries.

Understanding Blockchain’s Potential

Blockchain, the technology underpinning cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, is an innovative data structure that provides transparency, security, and decentralization. At its core, blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across numerous computers in such a way that they are virtually impossible to alter retroactively.

Economic Empowerment through Blockchain

At a fundamental level, blockchain technology can provide economic tools and opportunities to those who have previously been excluded from participating in the global economy. Here are a few primary ways blockchain can enhance economic empowerment in marginalized regions.

Financial Inclusion

Blockchain can drive financial inclusion by offering alternative, more accessible financial services. Similar to the way DeFi is helping the underbanked, blockchain initiatives like BitPesa in Africa and in the Philippines are offering remittance services, digital wallets, and payment solutions. This capability allows even those without traditional bank accounts to control, save, and invest their money.

Transparent Government Systems

Blockchain can eliminate corruption and increase transparency in government systems. For example, blockchain election platforms can enable secure, incorruptible voting systems. Further, records on the blockchain can also ensure the transparent tracking of public funds, reducing corruption and increasing citizen trust.

Property Rights Documentation

Without a transparent and official recording system, disputes over property ownership are common in marginalized nations. Blockchain can determine undeniable proofs of ownership. Mexico’s Bitso, for example, is testing blockchain in property registry and land ownership to prevent fraud in property transactions.

Supply Chain Transparency

Blockchain can also revolutionize supply chains, enabling greater transparency and traceability. This transparency ensures fair practices and helps marginalized producers receive fair compensation for their goods.

Real-World Examples of Blockchain in Action

While still in early days, many platforms are demonstrating the transformative potential of blockchain technology in marginalized nations.


Everest is a blockchain-based platform providing identity verification, microfinance, and remittance services to the underbanked. Operating in regions like Southeast Asia, Everest bridges the gap between modern finance and undercapitalized communities.


AgriLedger is using blockchain technology to eliminate fraud and corruption in the agricultural supply chain, providing farmers in developing countries with fair compensation for their work.

Challenges and the Path Forward

Despite blockchain’s potential, challenges persist, including a lack of digital literacy, internet accessibility, and market volatility. However, with proper education, policy support, and infrastructure improvements, these challenges can be mitigated.


While the road to blockchain-powered economic empowerment in marginalized nations has its fair share of bumps and turns, the potential benefits are undeniable. The journey’s end promises a world where access to financial services, property rights documentation, supply chain transparency, and freedom from corruption are not privileges, but universal rights. We are genuinely excited to be part of this journey and to witness the transformation that blockchain can bring to marginalized economies.

Disclaimer: SGA Crypto does not offer any cryptocurrencies or financial advice. The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only.

Kwasi Kabiro, CEO.


  1. Everest: Blockchain for the Underbanked
  2. BitPesa: Pushing Financial Inclusion
  3. AgriLedger: Fair Compensation for Farmers
  4. A Blockchain Revolution in the Philippines
  5. Bitso: Blockchain for Property Rights
  6. Blockchain for Economic Development: Potential and Limitation

Contact CEO Kwasi Kabiro @sgascanner for more insights.

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