Kwasi Kabiro September 16, 2024 0 Comments

The Impact of Blockchain on International Aid Efficiency


In the previous post, we discussed cryptocurrencies’ potential to provide financial inclusion in developing countries. But, what about other aspects of these locales’ economies, such as foreign aid? Could blockchain, the foundational technology of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, provide potential solutions to issues plaguing the efficiency and transparency of international aid? In this post, we’ll explore the transformative potential of blockchain in this complex humanitarian realm.

Challenges in International Aid: A Brief Overview

Despite billions of dollars funneled into poorer countries, international aid often fails to reach those who need it most. The system is besieged by a myriad of issues, including mismanagement, corruption, bureaucratic inefficiencies, lack of real-time data, and difficult traceability.

A Glimpse at Blockchain

Blockchain technology may offer a solution to various challenges plaguing international aid. As we’ve previously pointed out, blockchain offers a decentralized, transparent, and secure system. Applied to international aid, it might result in verifiable transactions, diminished corruption, and efficiency improvements.

The Role of Blockchain in International Aid

Streamlining Aid Distribution

Cryptocurrencies, built on blockchain, allow aid organizations to send money quickly and cost-effectively. By bypassing traditional intermediaries such as banks and governmental bodies, blockchain ensures aid reaches the targeted beneficiaries more efficiently.

Promoting Transparency and Accountability

Blockchain stores transaction records in a manner that’s transparent and immutable. This feature fosters accountability and transparency, as each donation can be traced from the donor to the recipient, and misuse of funds can be easily identified and dealt with.

Real-Time Data Access

Blockchain also provides real-time data access, allowing for prompt decision-making, efficient resource allocation, and immediate response to emergent needs. This advantage could revolutionize the aid sector, enabling quicker and more efficient humanitarian responses.

Actual Implementations and Success Stories

Start Network’s Blockchain pilot in Bangladesh

In the aftermath of flooding in Bangladesh, Start Network, a global network of aid agencies, piloted a blockchain project to distribute aid. The project enabled transparency and resulted in quicker aid distribution.

World Food Program’s Building Blocks

The World Food Program has also successfully leveraged blockchain through its Building Blocks project in Pakistan and Jordan, where it used the technology to deliver food vouchers to refugees. The result was cost savings and elimination of intermediaries, demonstrating blockchain’s potential in humanitarian aid.

Obstacles and Future Perspectives

Despite its potential, blockchain’s integration into international aid presents challenges like technological infrastructure availability, training of local staff, and regulatory complexities. However, with careful planning, collaborative efforts, and appropriate regulation, it may well reshape the face of international aid.


The potential of blockchain to revolutionize international aid is immense. By fostering transparency, enabling traceability, and streamlining aid distribution, it can unlock a new era of efficiency in humanitarian assistance. After all, making every dollar count in aid assistance may be the key to combating global poverty and inequality more effectively.

Kwasi Kabiro, CEO

Kwasi Kabiro, CEO.

Disclaimer: SGA Crypto does not offer any cryptocurrencies or financial advice. The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only.


  1. Blockchain: A game changer in international aid
  2. How blockchain technology can transform development aid
  3. Start Network’s blockchain project in Bangladesh: A case study
  4. World Food Program’s Building Blocks: Blockchain in action
  5. Challenges and future perspectives of blockchain in international aid

Contact Kwasi Kabiro @sgascanner for more insights.

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